Our partnership with Abcam

Image of Abcam building

Develop and commercialise novel, custom antibodies and other protein-based binding reagents to critical oncology targets through our Abcam partnership.

Our partnership

We are accelerating the discovery of new drug targets and pathways driving cancer through our partnership with Abcam. Together, we are developing antibody binders that expand the range of biological reagents available to Cancer Research Horizons scientists, to help deepen our understanding of cancer biology, generate new diagnostic tools, and potentially become the basis for novel therapies.

Our partnership allows researchers to generate custom antibodies and protein-based reagents for targets where no commercial antibodies exist, or where those available don't perform in a required research application. This ability is available at a discounted price.

Project-specific support is critical for the success and speed of your research. Our partnership gives you the opportunity to access a dedicated project development team at Abcam, supporting you with insights. The end-to-end expertise, spanning early-stage R&D through to the clinic, facilitates result-driven projects to be custom-tailored and modified along the development process. Our modular project structure offers you flexibility, with regular review points minimising time and cost risks while maximising the chance of success.

We leverage Abcam's global supply capability and co-location in major technology hubs to facilitate innovative reagents that can be made readily accessible to the wider research
and diagnostic development community. 

Through the partnership, you will benefit from the authorship of research articles and patents associated with the antibodies created.

If you are a CRUK-funded scientist and have identified a target through the course of your research, we can help you with target validation and beyond. 


Custom antibody discovery

Abcam's extensive expertise in antibody discovery ranges from challenging targets, such as post-translationally modified proteins and small molecules, to the generation of anti-drug antibodies and potential therapeutic or diagnostic antibodies. This is achieved by leveraging its highly sensitive and specific rabbit monoclonals (RabMAb®).

Abcam's population-based analysis at a single level (performed through NGS) facilitates the discovery of rare binders to unique epitopes, as well as ensure optimum antibody selection.

Antibody engineering

Abcam's phage display capabilities enable you to enhance and improve the performance of preexisting antibodies.

Assay development and target validation

Abcam's range of assay capabilities will allow you to design and execute assay cascades relevant to your target. These can be complemented by further assays for additional characterisation and target validation using CRISPR.

Support diagnostic development and commercialisation

Abcam leverages our network of relationships with existing diagnostic partners and works closely with GMP manufacturers for ease of transition.

Production supply security

Abcam commits to supporting the continued progression of your programs by providing security of supply of the antibody over the lifetime of its use.

Contact us

Beatrice Lana

Strategic Alliance Executive

[email protected]